Episode 81 – Trailheads: a history of urban planning in Edmonton – Part 2

In part 2 of Trailheads, Julian Faid is joined by two special guests to guide us on the next leg of our journey through the history of urban planning in Edmonton. Former Historian Laureate, Shirley Lowe will walk us through the colonial land-grab during the fur trade. How the soon-to-be city was first subdivided along the North Saskatchewan River. How the delay of a national rail line led to the first real-estate bust in the area. How the train finally came to Edmonton and how an influx of American nationals during the World Wars left lasting impact on how Edmonton was designed.

Then we’re joined by city planner and planning historian Erik Backstrom to learn about the formation of Edmonton’s first official planning department. How the influence of modernism in the 1950s and 60s changed the shape of our streets, downtown and took its lead from the automobile.

We hope you enjoy.

Meet guest producer, Julian Faid.
Connect with Shirley Lowe and Erik Backstrom.
Learn more about Alberta’s Railway History.
Walk through a bit of Edmonton’s fort history at Fort Edmonton Park.

ECF Happenings:
Take a look at our 2020 Vital Signs report all about Millennials.
Nerd out with Vital Signs sources and previous reports.
See our Rapid Response Fund in action!
Check out the latest on our blog.

ECF Grants:
ECF Community Grants – Due December 1st
Look ahead to next year’s Student Awards.

The Well Endowed Podcast is produced by Edmonton Community Foundation. And is a proud, affiliate member of the Alberta Podcast Network.

The music featured in the Trailheads special series is called Cut and Run by Kevin MacLeod.
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3576-cut-and-run

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/